Select your fee type and year to browse fees for all courses and units.

Alternatively you can use the fee calculator.

This is your first degree and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, more than one third is coursework, it generally leads to an initial professional qualification, and you are an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, more than a third is coursework, it's not a Commonwealth Supported course, and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

You want to qualify for entry to a higher degree by research, and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

At least two thirds of the course is research and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa. HDR courses for domestic students are funded under the Research Training Program.

You're not studying for credit towards a qualification, and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is your first degree, you're studying in Australia and you are NOT an Australian or NZ citizen, nor hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, you're studying in Australia, more than a third is coursework and you're NOT an Australian or NZ citizen, nor hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, you're studying in Australia, at least two thirds is research and you are NOT an Australian or NZ citizen, nor hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

You pay no tuition fee under the Research Training Program

Course fees for 2021

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  Annual Fee for Start Year
Course Name Course Code Course Credit Points The minimum credit points required to complete the course Annual Credit Points The standard number of credit points taken each year by a full-time student 2021
Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science (Honours) BH008 192 48 $40,100
Bachelor of Arts BP001 144 48 $33,000
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) BH001 48 48 $33,000
Bachelor of Automation and Robotics BP007 144 48 $40,100
Bachelor of Biomedical Science BP006 144 48 $40,100
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) BH006 48 48 $40,100
Bachelor of Business BP009 144 48 $39,500
Bachelor of Commerce BP002 144 48 $39,500
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) BH002 48 48 $39,500
Bachelor of Design BP003 144 48 $37,400
Bachelor of Design (Honours) BH003 48 48 $37,400
Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics CM002 192 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Environmental Design BP011 144 48 $33,000
Bachelor of Music BP008 144 48 $33,000
Bachelor of Philosophy Politics and Economics BP012 144 48 $33,000
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) BH005 192 48 $42,800
Bachelor of Science BP004 144 48 $40,100
Bachelor of Science (Honours) BH004 48 48 $40,100
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biomedical Science) 5011H/IC-BIOMED 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biophysical Science) 5011H/IC-BIOPYSH 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Conservation Biology) 5011H/IC-CON 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Earth Science) 5011H/IC-EARTH 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Earth Sciences Foundation Package) 5011H/IC-EARFP 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environmental Science) 5011H/IC-ENVSCI 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Exercise and Health Science) 5011H/IC-EXHLTH 48 48 $37,600
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Genetics) 5011H/IC-GENETIC 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Geochemistry) 5011H/IC-GEOCH 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Green Chemistry) 5011H/IC-GREEN 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Life Sciences [Biological] Foundation Package) 5011H/IC-LSFP 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Life Sciences [Human and Behavioural] Foundation Package) 5011H/IC-HBFP 48 48 $37,600
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Science) 5011H/IC-MARINE 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Mathematics and Computer Science Foundation Package) 5011H/IC-MCFP 48 48 $37,600
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Neuroscience) 5011H/IC-NEURO 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Pharmaceutical Science) 5011H/IC-PHARM 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Physical Science Foundation Package) 5011H/IC-PSFP 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Physical Science) 5011H/IC-PHYSICA 48 48 $39,800
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Psychology) 5011H/IC-PSYCH 48 48 $37,600
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Science Communication) 5011H/IC-SCICOMM 48 48 $37,600
Bachelor of Science and Master of Agricultural Science CM003 192 48 $40,700


  Annual Fee for Start Year
Course Name Course Code Course Credit Points The minimum credit points required to complete the course Annual Credit Points The standard number of credit points taken each year by a full-time student 2021
Diploma in Modern Languages 10300 48 48 $33,500
Diploma in Science - Undergraduate DU004 48 48 $39,500